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Is There Any Life On The Planet Mars ? The Premise that Life Exists On Mars.

The planet Mars

 Occupies Mars ranked fourth in terms of distance from the sun in the solar system, a rocky planet, called upon the Arabs Mars name, and its meaning: with red spots, Diameter Mars is estimated approximately 6,800 square kilometers, which is comparable to a large diameter planet, which is the second the smallest planet after the planet Mercury, with an estimated area of ​​a quarter of the land area, and revolves around the sun at a rate of 228 million kilometers, or about 1.5 times the distance you prefer between the Tropic sun and the earth, and has two moons, the first named Phobos, which means fear, and Deimos, which means horror.

The premise that life exists on Mars.

Some scientists believe the containment of Mars on the amount of water before 3.8 billion years old, and this is what made the existence of life on Mars as current hypothesis, and also because of the presence of mountains Similar significantly to the mountains of the planet, and valleys extended, and the volcano is one of the largest volcanoes in the solar system, it is called Olympus Mons name in honor, is located in Mount Olympian, with a temperature of 27 ° C, and is made up of its atmosphere of carbon dioxide and argon, water vapor, nitrogen, and there are some scientists believe that it is still an embryo is incomplete.

Moons of Mars

The moon Phobos: It is a small piece size irregular, with a length of 21 square kilometers, the orbiting Mars axis every 7.7 hours, and have formed the shape of a pyramid, and there are the craters of varying foot, and there it grooves and chains out of small nozzles, and it is called Stickney's name, which has a diameter of 10 kilometers, and revolves around Mars faster than Mars rotation around himself.

Moon Deimos: is a small-sized piece of rock irregularly, with a length of 12 kilometers, and revolves around Mars every 1.3 days, which is far from the planet Mars, so it increases the length of the diameter, and have a pyramidal shape,


On the north side of the planet Mars there are plains and lava, located large volcanoes on the plateau Tarsis, Olympus moon and is the most popular plateaux, the largest volcano is located in the solar system, but with respect to the southern part of the planet where the mountainous heights too high, and there are signs of of meteors and meteorites, and covered plains of Mars sand and dust and red oxide of iron, and there is a thin layer of ice water, and where there is a greater amount of the grooves in the solar system, which up to a distance of 4,000 kilometers and a depth of approximately 7 kilometers.

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