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Information About Mercury One Of Planets Of The Solar System

Information about mercury one of planets of the solar system

Outer space is filled with mysteries and today we will talk about information on space, especially for the planet Mercury, known as the planet Mercury since ancient times, but he called the Roman messenger of the gods (Mercury), due to its proximity to the sun the great god, he carries his messages quickly and efficiently, but it is the poster child for its proximity to the sun the mother.
Mercury is from the sun at perigee 45.9 million km, and the apogee distance from the sun becomes 96.7 million km, and the rate is the planet Mercury only 47.6 million kilometers from the sun, a very close relative to the dimensions of the other planets.

Explore the planet Mercury

Because of the appearance of the planet Mercury near the western horizon, it is clear does not appear when monitoring, but working atmosphere thick of the land to absorb light coming from the planet Mercury decreases brighter and clearer, and the twilight that accompanies sunset restricts his vision, so it has met its share of the total neglect of the many astronomers.
If we really monitor the planet Mercury requires hard work and effort is never smooth, it needs to locate in the sky once using the astronomical and computer tables, then look it up in the morning or evening ..
It was not clear information about the planet Mercury astronomical observation from the ground at all, but the first modern information indicating composition and characteristics sent by the US spacecraft Mariner 10 in 1974, where he studied the surface of the planet Mercury and magnetism and temperature in addition to many other information.

General characteristics of the planet Mercury:

1. Mercury spins on its axis (stellar day) once every 58.65 Earth days, while orbiting the sun (enacted by asterisks) every 87.97 Lerma ground at speeds estimated at about 47.9 km / sec, which means that on the planet Mercury has a third of his year !!
2. equivalent to the amount of the attractiveness of the planet Mercury .378 of Earth's gravity, and tilted orbit from the ecliptic by 7 degrees, a significant percentage for most of the planets.

Installation of the planet Mercury:

Due to the proximity of the planet Mercury from the sun, the heat of the sun made light gases blown away outside the orbit to the next planetary him in the distance, so we find that the installation of the planet Mercury containing heavy elements such as iron (which constitutes 75% of the radius of the planet; 1800 km), and this making the planet Mercury has a small size and high density equivalent to the density of the Earth.
And it covers core Hodeidah thin crust of volcanic diameter approx 600 km rocks.

The surface of the planet Mercury landmarks:

He explained photographs taken by Mariner of the surface of the planet Mercury considerable resemblance milestones surface of the moon, where he filled the surface of many hydrothermal number of different sizes, and theoretical prevailing interpretation of these holes is that they are formed as a result of the collision of the dense surface of the planet meteorites, especially in the early days of the formation of the solar system, and the little ones might be arises from volcanoes were mollified in the past.
The characteristic features of the planet Mercury a special alcove extends a distance 1350 km, kaloris basin, and perhaps this tub because a huge Meteor hit this area when forming planet causing strong earthquake work on forming that sink and chains surrounding it.
The planet Mercury has now beyond the surface terrain and the earth, has been named the names of celebrities such as nozzles: nozzle Beethoven, Shakespeare, and the barrel of Mark Twain and many others.

About Space - Mercury

Astronomical studies have shown as we have said that the planet Mercury does not have a cover invader protects its surface, though the Russian world Moroz analyzed the red spectrum of the planet Mercury and discovered the presence of carbon dioxide, and in spite of this, most astronomers say that although that percentage is not specified - namely the mostly in very short supply, the planet Mercury lacks the presence of gas in a protective casing.

Offers orbit of the planet Mercury:

Astronomers noticed that the orbit of the planet Mercury progresses from the values ​​given by Newton's law by 43 arc seconds, so why the difference this afternoon?
Scientists think that the cause of the anomaly that is the existence of a planet between Mercury and the sun and they called Vulcan, and drew telescopes to monitor, but none of them did not get the result .. and could not one of the scientists explain this anomaly until 1915, when Einstein was his theory of general relativity, and between the this anomaly is not an anomaly, but the nadir points in each planet does not remain fixed in place every year, but is moving at a slower speed than the speed of ants !!

Transit of the planet Mercury:

Due to the planet Mercury Milan from the ecliptic by 7 degrees as we have said, it does not intersect with it only in limited periods, where intersects twice per year.
The transit happens if the planet Mercury between the sun and the earth, and sees in the form of a small black dot passing through one of the parties to the sun until he graduated from the opposite party.

Scientists have noted that the transit time progresses each time accounts increased by 43 seconds, and no one has to explain this, but Einstein when he gave his theory a clearer picture of the universe in terms of the space Stoops about the large blocs, making way for the arrival of the planet Mercury to the disk of the sun longer and it shows this is the difference.

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