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Solar System | Exploration by Binoculars close

 Solar System

Sun belong to a large astral includes more than two hundred thousand million stars known as the Milky Way galaxy grouping, formed by nearly 4.5 billion years old, and located the solar system in one sow the Milky Way is just 30,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, 20,000 light-years away from nearest limbs, spin the sun around the center of the galaxy at speeds of 220 km / sec and are a complete cycle with the group about the center of the galaxy at up to 225 million years old, which means that the sun and with it the group has revolved around the center of the galaxy 20 cycle since the inception of the solar system.

Solar System consists of a star average size like a normal star is the sun and there is a huge ball of gas hydrogen which Condensation on the same power of God , The sun dominates strongly appeal on the movement of all bodies of the solar system planets and satellites and asteroids and comets, which are a source of both heat and light on the surfaces of these objects, including rays-of energy.

There are eight planets revolve around the sun, creating what is called as the solar system, these planets have orbits around the sun from the inside to the outside as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, the first four planets Mercury, Venus , Earth, Mars is called the internal planets or rocky planets are called, while the other four planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) extra planets or gas to be mostly of gas.

In addition to the planets of the solar system and their moons, the inside of that group large numbers of asteroids and comets, there is a belt of relatively small bodies orbiting the sun beyond the orbit of Mars, and it is called the asteroid belt, which has a diameter of the largest of about 920 km and the smallest in size of dust particles name.

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