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Types of Earthquakes


earthquakes occur as a result of a number of natural factors, which are considered influential first in the form of internal and external ground, and divided earthquakes according to the updated her powers as follows: 

Earthquakes volcanic: The occurrence is directly related to volcanic activity, so that pushes molten rocky material from underground to the surface, such as the earthquake that happened in (Indonesia - japan ) sparked violent outburst tremors in the sea and huge waves formed completely flooded nearby islands and caused havoc huge, and led to the destruction of villages and the displacement of its inhabitants, and the damage largest catch the islands of Java and Sumatra. The tremors arising as a result of volcanic activity of local earthquakes are not severe and often of the geological structure of the Earth change.

Tectonic earthquakes: aftershocks are occurring on the surface level of the crust, which occur as a result of cracks and fractures that occur in the depth range of 70 km from the surface. 

Earthquake  Basalt : The reason the call to Pluto god of the gods of the ancient Greeks, up to the great depths of the earth in the range of 800 km,  earthquakes recorded in East Asia, and the reason for this type occurrence and type tectonic is primarily move in the earth's crust which is located near the bottom. The most important reason for the occurrence of earthquakes is the pressure that occur on platelets, or colliding with each other, which brings us back to generate pressure as a result of the collision, and so is the pressure caused by the moves that get in into the ground a major

 cause Necessary to earthquakes, the pressure leads to refractive and budge and composition of the forces interior works on the occurrence of earthquakes.

After exposure earth quakes urged scientists to be studied as a natural phenomenon devastating to the roof and changers chairman of the composition underneath it, and labored to find Standardization intensity of these earthquakes tools and differentiate them for examination and found two scales to measure these earthquakes are:

 The Richter scale: named after the world (Charles Francis Richter) because he is the author, his work mechanism works this measure so that measures the amount of energy emitted from the epicenter, works depending on the algorithms, varying logarithmic from 1 to 9 degrees, so that the difference between each grade and is preceded by ten times, for example: a quake with a magnitude of 8 degrees strongest ten times of the quake, with a magnitude of 7 degrees, so it is considered an important class difference in the measurement of earthquakes

Depending on the Richter scale, the intensity is the earthquake and magnitude devastating the beginning of the fifth degree and above earthquake average in grades ranging between three and five and is thus be earthquakes degree less than three earthquakes, non-destructive simple and some of them probably do not feel it so, and it also depends on the area you are exposed the earthquake

Another measure he invented the Italian Giuseppe , which measures the strength of vibration, and is done by measuring albumin mechanism by location which begins guardian so according to the law, which follows the inverse relationship between the earthquake and the magnitude site so that whenever we moved away from the quake site said vibrations resulting from it, so that is the first class a description of the earthquake may not feel and the greater the degree spike increased force of the earthquake.

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