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Stars | Definition of Stars by Earth-Geologic

Star is a massive body of plasma, which is the body which is in a part of his life generates the light and the temperature of the nuclear interactions, and specifically hydrogen splitting to helium under the conditions of temperature and density so mighty , when the fuse hydrogen atoms to create a heavier element, a "helium" Then you lose mass, Bloc turned into energy,, and the closest example to us on the stars of our sun is the closest star to us is from the earth, an estimated 94 million middle-mile distance.

The sun's energy, like many of the stars are derived from the fusion of hydrogen and this fusion does not occur in all parts of the star, but it happens only within the star, Namely in the centre, where it is very hot enough, and the temperature in the center of the sun reach 15 million degrees Kelvin (K = degrees Celsius above absolute zero, - 273 C).
Does not resemble stars, but there is a difference between each other due to several factors such as kidney bloc, their composition, and ages, for example, the total mass of the star are determined by the evolution of a certain star in addition to the final destiny.

The essential ingredient for star is hydrogen with some helium and other elements heavier and defining metal particular star, and through the evolution of the star becomes part of the hydrogen into heavier elements through the process of nuclear fission, part of the materials happen to him what is called recycling, which in turn translate into the surrounding environment to form a new generation of stars is rich in minerals.

In the second century BC, the astronomer Department of Greek Hipparchus stars into six groups according to the degree of brightness and named by lighting, the first in the amount is the brightest, and the sixth is the weakest, and still the user system to the day with the athlete identification (The Star The amount one is 2.5 times brighter than the next weaker) that takes the stars and planets with a high gloss finish through the amount of zero and negative numbers

Through the telescope to see much weaker, almost near the amount of Thirty brighter (four billion times weaker than the human eye sees unassisted), stars bear some resemblance to the sun, it appears as a point in the sky where they are very far from us, and the nearest star to us is an alpha Centurion is just four years away light from us, and as the light-year is the distance traveled by the light beam in a year and the speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second, so in light of about 10 trillion kilometers (63,000 times the distance between Earth and the sun), then measure the distance in kilometers between us and the nearest star, and can to the naked eye to see a little more than 1,000 light-years distant.

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