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LAYERS OF THE EARTH | how are the Earth's geological layers ?

Earth's geological layers

  Earth is made up of a number of different classes like the other planets of the solar system, but the geology is characterized by its diversity by making it a home fit for life, and is often likened to the earth layers pill onions in terms of formation of a number of classes, but the land differs as the layers are not solid all, it is a different composition from each other, the mismatch liquid, solid and composed each of a number of different elements, it consists of three major ground layers, a core and curtain and crust.


Are considered core or, as some of the core in the central layer of the Earth calls it, and in fact is this layer is divided into two layers are the pulp and internal, which is located in the center outer core that surrounds the core in the rules of the land, Faisal radius pulp interior of the Earth to about 1216 kilometers from the center of the earth, while up the thickness of the outer core to 2270 kilometers from the inner core to the curtain, and is considered the inner and outer core of the Earth is denser layers and the highest temperature, the Earth's core consists of elemental nickel and iron mainly.

 The temperature in them is up in the inner core of the Earth to 5500 ° C, but in spite of the degree of these high temperatures, but it is considered a solid structure, and the reason is this a big pressure on the inner core, which makes the melting temperature elevated alarming as the pressure in the pulp interior of the planet, ranging from 330 to 360 Giga Pascal , a pressure scientists estimated that the iron needs of melting him to about 5960 ± 500 ° C, while the temperature is too high in the outer core, however, the pressure which is much less making it a liquid state.

the curtain

Ribbon spans the globe to a thickness of 2890 kilometers almost a thicker layers of the planet, and consists essentially of silicate rocks that are semi-molten, which usually call it Palme_me, which is the same that we see when volcanic eruptions, as the magma coming out of volcanoes be beyond in fact from the upper curtain, which runs from the end of the earth's crust to a thickness of 400 kilometers approximately, and the curtain is the part that swims by different plates consisting also terrestrial crust, ranging temperatures in the mantle between 500 to 900 ° C shall be the upper layers of the curtain composed of solid rock, while the lower layers of the curtain consisting of soft semi-molten rocks.


  It is part of the earth, which we all know and live it, and that extends to almost sixty kilometers and consists crust of solid rock and is divided into two continental crust, which lies on the land and live on a different continent on the planet, and the oceanic crust and bearing the oceans on them.

How formed the different layers of the planet

 Is due to be layers of the Earth to form the planet's primary in which periods, as it is before 4.6 billion years old make up the planet during the phase in which formed the entire solar system, and during the period of 3.8 billion years the earth was exposed to the fall of large quantities of meteorites by making the planet melts continuously.

 After meteorites period that were falling on the ground and which carried with it the iron mainly to Earth process constitute the layers of the earth and The coldness began, with heavy elements fell down and gathered in the Earth's core, which made the pulp is composed of nickel and iron in particular, stepped up light elements as compounds silicates to the top crust is composed and the atmosphere surrounding it, of course, which is the lightest density, medium density elements remained in the center made up the curtain, which was formed from the rest of iron and magnesium, elements silicates rich and calcium.

 Gradually cooled outer layer of the planet, as the outer layer cools to a glass of water, for example, when you freeze it at the beginning, As cooled the outer layer of the planet is composed crust, and while the oceanic crust consists of basalt, Gabbro, and formed continental crust of lighter materials intensity Such as granite

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