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How Do You Get Earthquakes ? Phenomena that occurred on the surface of the Earth

Phenomena that occur on the surface of the earth

 Many natural phenomena on the Earth's surface, and within these phenomena occur earthquake and there are volcanoes and many other phenomena and all these phenomena occur due to the presence of multiple snivel contributed to their formation, they did not occur suddenly and without any reason.

What is the earthquake

Earthquake is defined as the number of vibrations successive and that gets in the outer crust that make up the planet, and you get these vibrations due to volcanoes or because of the cracks, resulting mainly and primarily to the outer shell of the Earth's surface vibration, thereby acting this vibration on the formation and the emergence of what is known as ultrasound seismic, which may sometimes up to six consecutive seismic waves, as there Two waves hit the inner portion of the land, while the other would hit the waves outer part of the earth's surface.

What is the focus of seismic

Know seismic focus on the point at which it kicks off the earthquake of them, where the earthquake spreads from this point that went out to the surface of the globe, and thus monitor the seismic waves which are launched from the focus on the seismic earthquake monitoring devices. Also, determine the focus of seismic exact location can not be estimated by the monitoring station seismic and only one, but needs the cooperation of many stations together in order to determine the focus, and is determined Earth earthquake by finding out the true dimension of the earthquake for the plant and thus draw circles and identifies the area set off the earthquake, including by identifying the intersection point of these circles drawn with each other.

Degrees of earthquake intensity
The intensity of the quake measured by the Richter scale, called the scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes, a division of the least severe to the top intensity is divided according to the following divisions:
 1. From 1 degree to 4 degrees: weak earthquake does not result in any danger or destruction.
 2. from 4 degrees to 6 degrees: moderate earthquake could result in damage but light damage.
 3. from 6 degrees to 10 degrees: a powerful earthquake and the risk that results in many damaging effects, as it is capable of destroying an entire region or city.

Precautions to be followed when the earthquake

  Of the most important to be followed precautions when the earthquake, act conscious and careful and not use flammable materials and away from the fragile and readily break things, and not up and down using the elevators, and should unplug and many for them, and sit under the solids as aspects doors, tables and many others things, as head protection should put both hands and forearms him

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