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The Water Cycle | Stages of the water cycle

Featuring the planet from other planets where there is water , which is the basis of life on Earth Without water for any life originally, each created living things on earth you need to water, where the water found in nature in the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes is in the liquid state, and present on steel shape like snow and ice water, and finally they ascend to the sky on the water vapor of any gaseous form, but it is necessary to identify the stages that make up the water cycle in nature, and must be reminded that the water cycle is a continuous cycle is not finished and this sacrament life on the planet. 

Stages of the water cycle

 Evaporation stage
 In this first stage must be the presence of sunlight, and is considered the sun heat source required for the transformation of water from a liquid to a gaseous state, ie, when exposed to the seas and oceans and rivers, or when they poured water on the ground, the water turns to steam ascend to the upper atmosphere, where hot air currents working to raise the water vapor or air which carries the water molecules to the upper layers of the atmosphere, but what happens after the rise of water vapor into the sky? Where water vapor when it goes into the atmosphere?

Stage of Condensation and precipitation
This phase is characterized by the existence of the necessary water vapor to turn the cold temperatures in the gaseous state to the liquid state, a rain water, as we know water vapor carries hot air currents, which in turn ascend to the upper atmosphere, which is characterized by the presence of cold air currents any cold temperatures, when exposed to water molecules of the stream cold lose its heat and energy and condense on the particles of dust and pollen carried by air currents, and thus the clouds and in turn are formed when a drop of water the weight of a heavy fall on the rain shaped by gravity and fall to the ground again, and sometimes when exposed to water droplets in the clouds to the very cold temperatures falling as snow or beads of cold.

Runoff stage
When rainwater falls to the ground as a result of this precipitation has been falling on the seas and oceans and working on nutrition and raise the water level, and sometimes take place on the Seoul form flowing into valleys and works to feed the tributaries of the rivers flowing and flowing turn in the waters of the seas and oceans, and also seep into the ground layers and gather and nourish groundwater within the lower layers of the Earth.

Thus, with the presence of water on the Earth and the sun in the sky continue evaporation and transpiration processes and then condensation to rain, snow and neighbors on the surface of the Earth, where the plants on the ground maintains the amount is not too bad of water through their leaves, roots, stem, and through the process of transpiration water goes on the form of steam and replenished the water cycle all over again.

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