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The Earthquake | What are the Causes of Earthquakes ?

Under the earth's crust under certain conditions to shocks severity varies from one place to another, these jerks called the quake, which spreads through the layers of Earth in the form of waves either essential or secondary waves waves.

Earth suffered through human history to many earthquakes, some of which were minor intensity not felt by human, but recorded Alsazmujrav devices , some of which is a severe impact on all living organisms, and threatened their lives and devastated.

 There are many reasons that lead to the occurrence of the Earthquake:

When there is a disturbance in the balance of Earth layers lead to an earthquake, this disorder occurs as a result of the transmission of large amounts of sediment and over long periods of time on an area of land, thereby increasing the weight on the lower level and lead to imbalance in the level of the other layers, moving layers of the Earth's crust, the earthquake occurs.
Occurs in many underground operations as a result of high temperature underground, thus fused many elements of rock layers, thus eroding certain areas of rock layers and the layers begin to move automatically, then the earthquake occurs.

Types of earthquakes: earthquakes, volcanic, where he was named the earthquakes that name because they occur when a volcano that accompanies the earthquake correlation, because the occurrence of the volcano triggers loosening, movement in the rock layers, and because the rush of material molten "magma" from inside the Earth to the outside through the crater It leads to the earthquake, the rocks, thus earthquake known volcanic earthquake occurs.
Tectonic earthquakes, these earthquakes occur in areas known to frequent cracks, cleavage in rocks layers of Earth, known as the most common, occur in the surface layers, up to a depth of 70 km.

There are many effects of the earthquake and among them:

 Effects of Earthquakes vary according to the degree of earthquake intensity, where there are earthquakes are not felt by the human to the point of low intensity, but recorded by the devices, felt by the animals, but on the other hand there is a violent earthquakes in severity lead to the destruction of homes and the death of many people.

 Earthquakes a negative impact on the earth's crust spoke imbalance in the Earth's crust directions (the horizontal direction, vertical direction). It can go up or go down to the levels of the coastal tourist cities because of the earthquakes, which in turn affects the infrastructure of the area.

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