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A Scientific Article About Earthquakes And Volcanoes


It is one of the natural phenomena that occur in the ground, known as a barrel of superficial exiting gases, magma, and vapors that are stored in the ground, outside, and divide the volcanoes to the dead volcanoes which remain dormant, active and live volcanoes that graduated magma, Among the most famous volcanic disasters: Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 BC, the volcano structure in the year 1783, the volcano Krakatoa in 1883 year, and the volcano Mont Pele in the 1902 year, and the volcano kelud in the 1919 year.

Volcanic materials consist of: diverse rock debris, and the blocks of liquid called thousands and reach temperatures of 800 to 1200 degrees Celsius, and the gases hydrogen as a gas, and nitrogen gas and water vapor, chlorine gas, oxygen, and carbon compounds, and sulfur dioxide, and volcanic ash.

Parts and Types of Volcano

 Volcano parts: the volcano of four basic parts: the chimney, gas, and Cone, and the nozzle is made up.
 Types of volcano: Volcanoes on several types: stratified volcanoes, volcanoes and rock debris, and volcanic plateaus

 The Effects of Volcanoes

 Working on the formation of the Earth's surface, including hills, mountains, and islands.
 The use of volcanic rocks in the construction and trade.
 Diversified crop production due to soil fertility.
 Be warm water springs.
 Electricity generation capacity.
 The composition of some minerals on the surface of the earth.


 Earthquake called tremor, one of the natural phenomena that occur in the earth, and is defined as a single vibration or vibration concussion resulting from the rocky plate movement in the ground and follow earthquakes many of the earth's defections, called the waves of seismic name, and months of earthquakes that have occurred in the ground: the Haiti earthquake in 2010, and the earthquake in Shanxi in the year 1556 AD, and the earthquake in Aleppo in the year 1138 AD, and the earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004, and the earthquake in Gansu in the 1920 year.

 Divided earthquakes in types depending on the depth of the epicenter to: shallow earthquakes occur at a depth of 70 kilometers, and medium earthquakes occur at a depth of between 70 and 300 kilometers, deep earthquakes occur at a depth of between 300 and 700 kilometers.

Causes Earthquakes

 The earth's crust which contain cracks and faults thickness. Volcanic eruption.
The presence of trapped energy stored in the ground.
Sliding rocks.
 Ground fault occurrence known as tectonic earthquake.

The Effects of Earthquakes

 Positive effects of earthquakes:
 The emergence of new springs.
Reductions or increases in the earth's crust.
 Depletion of springs.

 The negative effects of earthquakes:
 Swallow towns, villages, and destroyed completely.
The destruction of transportation network and mess it up, and also the destruction of buildings and facilities.
Cracked earth.
 Cause tsunami waves that uprooted trees from their places, and the cliff beach sand.

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