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How formed the planets ?

Spiral Stars

Heaven has a lot of bright objects that attracted human attention since ancient times, as it was believed to be moving in the sky and it shows with him everywhere, things reached that carried some of her worship and consecrated mind machine worshiped, but with the progress and development of technology in human life was able to discover what these objects were able to get to know their characteristics and to develop hypotheses that show how to make it up.

 Human discovered that the sky is made up of a huge solar systems are connected with each other bonds, including the obvious and some of which is mysterious not reached dissolved now that the discoveries associated with aerial extent to which managed human access, and this indicates that the discoveries are still open to discover this great universe .

 Our solar system

 It made up the group to which he belongs planet from another group of planets revolving around the sun in orbits elliptical , and away these planets from the center, a sun specific spaces do not change, and these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune , as the planets revolve around this group of satellites and comets.

 Be planets

 Planet: is a luminary opaque does not radiate light from the same, but derives its light from a star that spins around, and examples of these planets planet which derives its light from the sun, and a variety of theories that talk about how to be these planets, and these theories:

The collision of a big star-sized sun resulting lured huge mass of gases from the sun by the intense gravitational enjoyed by this star, I took this block to rotate in the same direction as the sun rotation in the form of arms, but with the progress of time lost part of its heat and place where the vortices which led to condensation and turned to different planets in size revolves around the sun.

 The existence of a cosmic cloud enormous size of dust and cosmic gases that they have the force of a large indoor attraction, making it about the same for thousands of years and thus formed a few size cloud but very high with centralized power density which is the sun, then collided near the sun small rocky parts after millions of years with including the fact that the small size of planets and irregular, but due to the force of gravity, which owned it continued to attract small objects nearby volatile, increasing its size and shape enrolled.

 Body Space gigantic explosion in the sky and volatilize in the form of small fragments having cooled these fragments formed the planets, and given that the sun high attractiveness they attracted to these planets revolve around the stationary orbits.

Do not forget that this is the imposition of theories on the level of the human mind and the extent of the findings of the discoveries, and hide God largest and the greatest  

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