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Tsunami | Definition and facts

The Tsunami is a synonym, of Japanese origin, tidal marine science and marine physical tide. The tsunami is a sea wave of large amplitude caused by an earthquake or underwater volcanic eruption underwater.

Tsunamis are waves generated in the sea by a shock phenomenon: earthquake, earthquake underwater volcanic eruption, landslide, ... The period of the tsunami is about the quarter hour, the wavelength of about 100 miles, the speed of several hundred kilometers per hour.

The tsunami should not be confused with a "storm surge" because it can spread to thousands of kilometers from its point of origin and amount to several tens of meters high when it encounters shallow water. Very few marked off, the wave causes considerable damage in falling on the shore with a great force. It is because of the number of disasters that have claimed thousands of victims.

This phenomenon of tsunami being particularly important and devastating in the Pacific Ocean coastal states were a warning system based on a network of tide gauges and appropriate radio transmissions.

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