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Where Did The Greatest Volcanic Eruption ?


 Is a collection of marine wild terrain or that emit vapors, gases and molten material coming from the depths of the earth's crust, and graduated from the lava through the cracks or nozzles. During the eruption of the volcano crater out of the many substances in addition to the fumes and gases, debris and rock hard, which is different in kind and size, and shoved the debris from the rigid crust strongly extracted from the neck as a result of the pressure of gases and lava.

vesuvius volcano

 The volcano Vesuvius, which in seventy-nine happened to the birth of one of the most volcanic eruptions devastating and disastrous explosion, Mount Vesuvius is a volcano located to the east of the city of Naples, Italy, volcanic mountain is the only Rebel in the European continent, as well as other volcanoes in the Italian islands.

 The first volcanic eruption of Vesuvius

 Vesuvius erupted in seventy-nine of birth, and resulting eruption this to bring about the destruction of a large, buried many Romanian cities bombay and Herculaneum, as well as the destruction of a number of other settlements, and continued eruption of this sixteen-year-old, it was accompanied by the volcanic eruption, many of the ground fissures and earthquakes that hit the south of Italy, and then the lava pay the rocks found at the crater of an ancient volcano, and happened to dilate sudden large of gases that were trapped under the rocks, with the increasing pressure of the surging gas occurred devastating explosions and violent, resulting in those explosions number of rashes volcanic pumice type covered city of Pompeii and neighboring mountain.

Many residents of the city of Pompeii tried to escape across the boats freely, but the ash, gases and volcanic eruptions of Mount Vesuvius onrushing have covered in all of us and caused suffocation, and buried whole city under the ashes. Pompey City were not alone, which have long been the great volcano exploded, it said that it was to the side of Mount Vesuvius another city is Herculaneum city which was completely destroyed, burying cities and several nearby settlements under thick layers of volcanic ash, which has increased the thickness of these layers from six meters . They disappeared two cities and have remained forgotten for a thousand and seven hundred years, that were found by history scholars and effects, and removed layers of volcanic ash on the two cities, to show the effects of mass that has to bring about the volcano in those cities, and also appeared under those human fossils buried in the place classes.

 Vesuvius second revolution

 Extinct volcano Mount Vesuvius from erupting for two thousand five hundred years, and renewed his revolution again the year one thousand six hundred and one thirty, and was killed by the second outburst of more than eighteen thousand people, and since that date eruptions of the volcano did not end does not extinguish once and for all.

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