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Make Up The Hawaiian Islands And Its Relation To The Theory Of Plates

Make Up The Hawaiian Islands And Its Relation To The Theory Of Plates

 After the discovery of plate motion, scientists are looking for evidence it is, they are talking about hypothetical theory of the movement of continents and oceans millions of years ago, and at first glance seem a myth akin to fiction, but scientists have found a lot of evidence that was including the method constitutes Hawaiian Islands.

 When scientists discovered that the Hawaiian island newer-lived and that does not even today still sits above the hot spot and activates this volcano constantly been measured age of the oldest rocks, and found it at the age of less than half a million years, while the Midway Island, which stray from Hawaii where he is located in the middle of the eight islands at the age of twenty-seven million years, and eventually reach the island farthest from Hawaii and closest to the groove sixty-five million years ago.

 Any further away observer for ages rock for the first island (Hawaii) found rocks similar qualities (volcanic) and increases with age, which means that there is a direct correlation between age and distance from Hawaii, and the existence of the hot spot reached scientists that the presence of the Hawaiian Islands is only new to the theory of plate to prove The explanation is as follows:

- Hot spot in this place since ancient times, before the existence of the Hawaiian Islands.
- Activity sheets and hot spot formed the first movement of the Hawaiian Islands, then inevitably followed the movement and followed one another the islands that make up the result of the presence of hot bug, which position the ground, not influenced by the movement of the plates, but resisted and dissolved to penetrate and form own islands.
 - Even today there is a hot spot that constitute the last island of Hawaii, as a testament to how to be a former islands.

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