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Phases Of The Moon | What are the phases of the Moon?


The broad universe embraces millions of different and disparate galaxies in size and the number of planets, and within those galaxies, the Milky Way galaxy that includes the solar system containing nine planets and millions of stars, asteroids and other celestial bodies, and each planet of the planets of the solar system a certain number of satellites that orbit around him, their numbers and their attributes and characteristics vary depending on the planet, and the planet upon which we live, it has a satellite only one we see going on around him illuminates our sky every night.

 The moon is a celestial body tinted usually revolves around the planet, but we are here we will talk about the moon, which orbits the earth, although the moon is dark, but we we see silver lining in every night and the reason for this is the ability to reflect sunlight on the surface, ie, that the moon lighting more apparent than real, as it seems to us, and as we mentioned earlier, the moon revolves around the Earth, but it is not random, as the moon around the Earth in a given orbit, it takes a full month to end the session around the Earth, named this month of the lunar month, and during this month the moon passes several stages called phases generate the face of the moon, which we will talk about in detail in the following.

Stages generate the face of the moon

 And the stages of generating aspects of the moon, or it is possible to call the Moon homes as stated in the verse:
36.39And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm-leaf.Wa Al-Qamara Qaddarnāhu Manāzila Ĥattá `Āda Kāl`urjūni Al-Qadīmi

Holy Qur'an
 she means changing moon visual form for us from the sky of the earth, according to the time of the month, and every form of showing him the moon for us called moon phase, and the reason for the emergence of different Botoar moon is orbiting the earth, so that reflects its shadow on the ground at different angles to prevent the sun's rays to reach parts of it, but for the stages of generating aspects of the moon are as follows:

New Moon

 At this stage, the moon is not visible for us, because of its involvement entirely in the shade, which prevents access to the sun's rays, and the New moon crescent Titles I, and the new moon, and we see this phase at the end of the month AH and the beginning of a new month.

Crescent Moon

The Moon does not emit its own light, shining instead by reflecting sunlight. Depending on the relative positions of the Earth, Sun and Moon, varying amounts of the lunar surface appear to be illuminated.

A few days after the New Moon, a faint crescent appears that grows in size as the Moon approaches the First Quarter (position B in the diagram below). The waxing (growing) crescent Moon rises before noon, transits the meridian before sunset and sets before midnight. The waxing crescent phase repeats every 29.531 days – one synodic month.

 The First Quadrature

Here, the half-moon completely visible.

Increasing Humpback

It is the stage in which the moon is visible more than half of it, so that the visible part of it growing until it becomes fully visible disk of the moon, then to enter the next stage.

Complete Moon

 It is the stage in which the moon is fully visible.

Humpback Declining

 At which point the moon begins to dim little by little, until it reaches the stage followed by a second quadrature, to continue decreasing until he returns Thin again.

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