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Atlas Mountains | Phases Constitute The Atlas Mountain Range

Atlas Mountains

It extends the Atlas mountain range along the 2,500 square kilometers, equivalent to 1,600 miles, and reflect this mountain range the Maghreb such as Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and is considered Toubkal located in southwestern Morocco's top summit part where rising sea level by about 4.156 meter summit.

 The share of the Atlas Mountains water borders with the Mediterranean Sea to the north, and is bordered on the west side of the Atlantic Ocean, and the border with the Sahara comes from the southern side, it referred to as the Atlas mountain range is home to plants and animals are rare at the level of the African continent, and often threatens the extinction the life of these plants and animals, and the most endangered animal species there Barbary macaque, the Atlas bear and tiger barbaric and many others.

 Geology Atlas Mountains

 The origin of the Atlas Mountains back to it a rocky area, has been formed on the African continent before the Cambrian Age, more than 4.5 billion years ago, then the Atlas mountain range began to take shape throughout history in three stages, was the first phase during the era of the old life, and where rocks have seen deformities after a collision between the continents formed Anti-Atlas Mountains., the second phase coincided with the middle period, which resulted from the separation of the continents of Europe and Africa. the third phase came during the period between 65-1.5 million years, Originated the mountains and compete in the European Alps .

Geographically Atlas Mountains

 Atlas mountain range splits into a number of geographic areas ranging from the west down to the east, namely:

The first area is located in the Kingdom of Morocco and include both medium and large and the Anti-Atlas.
The second area is located in Algeria, the Saharawi Atlas, the Saharan Atlas extends into the eastern side of the Atlas mountain range, running in parallel with the Tell Atlas, and decreased height for a little High Atlas, where up high mountain summit of Mount Isa about 2336 meters, the highest summit in the Saharan Atlas.
The third area stretching borders between Algeria and Tunisia, which Tell Atlas, starting Atlas limits Talli from the northern part of the Atlas Mountains in parallel with the Mediterranean, and a length of about one thousand five hundred square kilometers extending from the western part to the east in the states of Algeria, Tunisia, and features Tell Atlas land fertility .
the Fourth area and also combines Algeria and Tunisia, which is the Aures mountains, which are those based region in the Far East for a series Atlas Mountains, stretching from the east of Algeria up to the part of the Tunisian West, the rise of the Aures Mountains above sea level by almost 2,000 meters, is the mountain summit Mount Shelia is the highest due to the height of 2328 meters.

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