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THE EARTH | after transformation the sun will make the Earth uninhabitable?

We've got "seven billion years'' respite before considering migrating to Jupiter or Saturn. But the transformation of our Sun in red giant that will make the Earth uninhabitable is inevitable.

When happen the last perfect day on Earth? The question seems abstruse, but no one can determine the date precisely, it is inevitable that our planet will transform our Sun in red giant. This change determined by the initial mass of the star will take place when our Sun, now in the prime of age at 4.6 billion years, will swell to become a red giant in about 7 billion years before collapsing on itself a billion years later to give birth to a white dwarf.

Ultimately, this means that the Earth found so close, so we are still there to see it from the surface of the star it will become unlivable. However, it is the object of a study of astronomers Carl Sagan Cornell's Institute in New York published in the Astrophysical Journal, the warming of the Sun move by widening the "habitable zone" to other planets the system or the temperature is currently too low to accommodate water in a liquid state, which is assumed to remain essential to the emergence of life.

Cornell Universtiy - Moving the "habitable zone" explained computer graphics by astronomers study authors.
"When a star gets older and shines more, the habitable zone swerves outwards and gives a boost to a solar system," said the Daily Mail Dr. Ramses Ramirez.

Possible dwelling places where life could repatriate life is not so much the gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn, but surely their moons that are terrestrial objects.

The scientist noted that for now "that Europa and Enceladus, moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn are ice for now." But, he continues, "our model (mathematical, note) predicted that at the end, when the stars leave 'main sequence' of evolution and became red giants, the habitable zone extends outwards" 

Potential shelters swept by solar winds

If the movement of the habitability area may represent a chance for life, other phenomena are taken into account. The first warns Dr. Ramirez is the risk of the atmospheres of planets swept by solar winds that will gain in intensity. This phenomenon which astronomers suspect that it contributed to the rarefied Martian atmosphere, will be accompanied by a removal of the planets As the mass of the red giant will shrink.

"Anyway, even if all these phenomena occur, we determined that some planets will retain at least partially (if not entirely) their atmosphere during this phase of evolution in red giant star" , assumes the astronomer.

A warming phase that, as regards our Sun is expected to last half a billion years.

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