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Definition Pliocene Sand

    The Pliocene sand is a geological remnant of the Pliocene, an age older than 2.5 million years. As with other older geologic periods, the geological strata that define the start and end are well identified but the exact dates of beginning and end of the period are slightly uncertain.

   The pretty yellow Pliocene sand in a desert:
Pliocene sand in a desert
Depending on location and part of the Pliocene era, the Pliocene sand has a variable tint in various yellow but still distinguished from other sands.

   The Pliocene sand used in sandboxes, for industrial applications requiring finesse in advanced concrete technologies, etc. We did not use in sand filters.

Comparison of sand from the Loire, Pliocene, career, pink, backfill and shelly:
Comparative sandy Loire, Pliocene, career, career rose, embankment, Falun
The sands are identified by their color, their geological age, their grits and in order, are: Pliocene sand, sandy Loire, Falun sand, quarry sand (indefinite), pink sand, filling sand.

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